Production Assistant

Egypt - Egypt
Reporting to the creative producer, a production coordinator organizes the various crew needed to make a production happen and works on the administrative tasks of the company and its projects.Duties and Responsibilities:Working primarily from a production office, the production coordinator keeps track of the company’s daily tasks and ensures that the office tasks are organized and running smoothly. Coordinates the logistics of the production including renting equipment, hiring crew and talent. Handles paperwork such as supplier registration, agreements, release forms and nondisclosures. Books transport, accommodation and equipment for the crew (to name a few). On some productions they delegate tasks to a team of production assistants (PAs) and ensure that these tasks are going according to plan. Wraps up all shoots with the producer, production, admin and finance team and ensures all documentation is organized and handed over properly. Manages the collection and organization of receipts, invoices and documentation for the company. Run the production office: The production coordinator needs to make sure that the office is running smoothly and efficiently - the more organized and efficient the production office is, the smoother things run on set. Organizational tasks include, but are not limited to, keeping track of the company’s production kit and restocking supplies as needed, managing the storage space and updating and organizing the database.Coordinate with the crew: As the production coordinator you will assist with putting together the call sheets, schedule, travel, equipment, accommodations etc. The role of production coordinator will vary on each job.Paperwork: The production coordinator may be responsible for call sheets, schedules, production reports, permits, visas, cast and crew lists and insurance paperwork. There really is no end to the paperwork that the production coordinator has to deal with - this is where their organizational skills come in handy. Keep binders and folders of all paperwork that you do, make sure that you can find documents easily and keep a paper trail of everything you do in case anything should go wrong. The production coordinator has to distribute all kinds of paperwork to the cast and crew such as script revisions, schedule updates and call sheets.Project-related tasks: The production coordinator may be responsible for any number of project/shoot related tasks such as renting equipment (ordering getting it to set), booking transportation (cars, flights, etc), street casting, booking creatives (photographers, videographers, models, glam, etc), scouting locations, managing on-set food and beverage (unpacking and setting up the coffee machine, groceries, breakfast, etc) and more. In the lead up to the shoot the production coordinator will need to visit SNAP14’s storage space, take out relevant production EQ needed for the shoot, handle its transportation to the location and back. They will also need to manage the in/outflow of EQ and keep track of everything on the company’s inventory to ensure their safe return. On some projects we’ll have the support of a moving company to help with the production EQ and on others, the production coordinator will need to handle this task.Coordinates and manages PAs: The company may hire Production Assistants (PAs) for their internship program, on a project basis or full-time. The role of the production coordinator is to be the link between the PAs and the producer - delegating tasks to the PAs, keeping track of their progress and reporting all updates to the producer. The production coordinator may also be involved in the hiring process of the PAs.Wrap up: When it comes time to wrap up a production, the production coordinator works with the producer to tie everything up nicely and leave no loose ends. Accounts may need to be closed, equipment returned, paperwork completed and essentially anything that needs to be done to wrap the production up neatly. Make sure that all of your paperwork is complete and accessible for anyone that may need to access it.Paperwork: The production coordinator is responsible for managing the proper collection and handover of all invoices, receipts, NDAs, releases etc. They will need to coordinate the completion of this paperwork with third parties and the hand-over to the designated department of the company.Being a production coordinator is a lot of work but it can be a lot of fun, you get to be involved in many aspects of the production. It is a great position for learning the ins and outs of production. Be sure to appreciate everyone that works with and for you. Be organized and efficient and always follow up with people - never assume that someone has it taken care of, cover your own ass as well as theirs. Stay focused and you will get the job done and as with anything try to enjoy the work you are doing, as stressful as it can get at times it is a fun position to be in.Skills:Organization/Multitasking: This is probably the number one skill that you have to possess if you want to be a production coordinator. You are the right hand to the producer and have to be ready and willing to balance a multitude of jobs at the same time. If you don’t enjoy paperwork and working in an office then production coordinator is not the job for you.Strong Computer Skills: As a production coordinator, most of your day will be spent working on a computer. You need to be comfortable trouble-shooting computer issues and you need to be able to make your way around programs like Google Workspace and Zoho One with ease.Strong Scheduling Skills: During a production, the production coordinator is responsible for schedule upkeep. You need to be very comfortable with scheduling software and have a strong understanding of how the schedule works. Schedules can be very different from one production to the next so be sure to have a firm grasp on why decisions are made and how they help the production.Team Leading: As the production coordinator you report to the producer but you are responsible for the production assistants and junior or assistant production coordinators. You have to delegate and make sure that your team is working effectively, I find it is always best to lead with a firm but kind attitude. No one wants to help someone who is treating them like crap or bossing them around because it makes them feel important. Your team is only as good as you are.Communication: This one goes with team leading, as the production coordinator you are the point of contact for the crew and you need to make sure that you are communicating with all of the appropriate people and getting the right messages to the right people. Be clear with instructions and emails and make sure that you are understood, don’t just assume that people have received your emails or calls, follow up with people.Requirements1-3 years experience in production, project management or planning Ability to communicate in English and Arabic Flexibility with working hours BenefitsMobile phone lineADSL packageUnlimited Personal Time Off after 3 monthsAbility to request remote working days after 3 monthsAnnual employee profit shareHealth insuranceSocial Insurance
Post date: 10 April 2024
Publisher: Wuzzuf .com
Post date: 10 April 2024
Publisher: Wuzzuf .com