Environmental & Social Safeguarding Coordinator Libya Tripoli

  1. Role and responsibilities

NRC Libya has been awarded funding from the German Development Bank (KFW) to implement a three-year project focused on “Promote the resilience of conflict affected and vulnerable communities in Libya through legal protection support, rehabilitation of damaged houses and public infrastructure and productive capacity building to earn their livelihood”. NRC is developing an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) to ensure that the adequate level of environmental and social (E&S) management measures are in place prior and during the implementation of activities. The Environmental and Social Safeguarding (ESS) Coordinator main role and responsibilities are the administration, mainstreaming, coordination and monitoring,  of the ESMF and its implementation.

تاريخ النشر: اليوم
الناشر: Bayt
تاريخ النشر: اليوم
الناشر: Bayt